Yearning for Life – A Poem

I often find myself in a place of longing.

Longing for a place I have yet to experience.

Longing for a place I’ve never been.

At least.. not in this life.

I often find myself in a place of needing.

Needing the air, the earth, the water.

Needing the touch of one that I once knew.

The me I once was.

I often find myself in a place of yearning.

Yearning for a life long passed.

Yearning for a life once lived.

Yearning… for life once more.

-Serr.Kai • AQuill&Ink

What They May Be – A Poem

Cracked, Worn, Tattered.
She is enveloped by the choices of her past.
Beauty, once soaring, flutters slowly towards its end.
Becoming one, they step into the void.
Shedding what once was.
So they may become what they may be.

-Serr.Kai • AQuill&Ink

Ruby Red Eyes

It’s been a while since I shared a piece of my writing. I wrote this poem years ago when putting together my book, Fowl Play. It is inspired by true and personal events. I hope you enjoy!

Ready to Dine

Through my fingers

Red slime began to spill.

The smell of meat,

Decaying flesh.

She was ready for her fill.

Black feathers,

Sharp talons,

Her face eager and awaiting.

What I had was what she was craving.

For one to live,

The other must dispel.

For this meal,

This creature was quelled.


Hello Winter & Blessed Yuletide

Hello Winter.

With darkening skies and a chill upon the air,

Hello Winter.

I welcome the night, the longest of the year.

As for the light, it returns a little more each day.

But today you are here and shall stay for weeks to come.

You inspire songs of Yuletide and ice shall fall from the sky.

We decorate with trees and give gifts.

Today is the day we experience a shift.

For the planets are dancing,

and will give such a sight.

The Yuletide star, tonight, will shine bright.


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