YouTube & What’s to Come!

I am SO excited to share that I have started creating music to go along with some of my images, intuitive messages, and writing!

Using AI Technology, I am able to create something magical that fits my vision, many of which will be meditation, calming, relaxing, and pure serenity.

If you are interested, please visit my YouTube Channel and take a listen to my first song and let me know what you think! If you like what you hear, subscribe to the channel so you can be notified when new songs and videos are posted!

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

DRAGON Intuitive Image Reading Services

Happy Thursday to You All!

I had an overwhelming message from the Dragons today and I am SO excited to announce that I am now offering DRAGON specific Intuitive Image Readings!

These readings are the same as my general Intuitive Image Readings but instead of asking all of the universe and guides available to provide the message for the person I am reading for, I ask the Dragons specifically to provide the message. These may come from your personal Dragons or from the Dragon Collective.

These messages are then created into beautiful images with the help of AI-Technology. These are always FREE, tips accepted!

If you are interested in requesting a reading, you can do so on any of my social media pages or directly on my website where you can also read reviews from previous readings as well as leave a tip!

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

How To Train Your Dragon Book Review

I was gifted the entire How to Train Your Dragon Series by Cressida Cowell, along with a Toothless & Lightfury stuffed animal, for Christmas from my Husband.

I’ve been trying to really get into reading and I’m a huge fan of the movies so when I got the books, I was so excited, I started reading immediately. I liked it so much, I finished it in less than a month, which for me was one of my fastest reads.

The movies, like a lot of movie adaptations, are nothing like the books. I knew that there would likely be differences but WOW… For anyone going into reading the books after the movies, know that the first movie is inspired by the first book. The only similarities are as follows.

Toothless’ name. There is a Monstrous Nightmare named Hookfang. The names Hiccup, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Gobber, and Stoick are used for characters. I am pretty sure that literally everything else in the book is different. Toothless is even a different species of dragon. I don’t want to spoil the book, so I won’t share anything else. BUT what I will say is that even though it was nothing like the movies, which I love, I also loved the book. However, I did have to separate the two and view them as their own stories, otherwise I might’ve been disappointed.

Overall, for me, this read is Five Stars, even though it may be for a much younger audience!

Now, it’s on to Book #2, How to be a Pirate.

-Serr.Kai • AQuill&Ink

Kaidem – A Writing Exercise About A Baby Dragon

I joined a group on Facebook recently called Dragon Muse Artworks, run by Yvette Marie. She recently started creating images of Dragons using AI and has created this group for all lovers of all things Dragon.

In her group, she created something called the Hatchery, where she posted a bunch of her baby dragon images and put these babies up for “adoption”. The idea was to pick a baby, adopt it, and then write a story for your new baby Dragon.

I want to share with you here, the image made by Yvette of the baby I adopted, and the short little story I made to go along with it.

If you are a fan of Dragons, who isn’t? You can find her work at the links below!


He rests, sleeping soundly. Breath escapes him like steam dancing across the surface of a warm lake on a chilly morning. His colors are that of the sunrise that kisses the lake, greeting the day. When he wakes, his eyes, like dragons blood resin atop a drop of amber, meet mine. Time slows and our hearts begin beating as one. He ignites the spark within me that has been cold for so long. It may be that I am the one who adopted him, but it is he who has made me whole once more.

-Serr.Kai • AQuill&Ink

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Dragon Muse Artworks Facebook Group

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