The Power of The Things You Make

“Never underestimate the power of the things you make with your own hands. “

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

There is a special essence, a power if you will, in the things you make with your own hands.

Over the years I have worked with many different artistic mediums. I have worked with paint, resin, crystals, wire, metal, cord, leather, the list goes on.

I often made things for myself, but during that time it was a way to create and to share with others. But, I made things just to make things. Though they were pretty, there wasn’t much more behind it.

Even though I have felt energy my whole life, it wasn’t until recently that I really began feeling the energy created when things were made with my hands. Really, recently, I have been feeling a lot more when it comes to energy. I have been feeling it from plants, animals, rocks, metals… more and more, I am feeling energy resonating from things and other beings. It’s been a form of tacit communication.

There is a communication between your energy and the energy of the things you work with. When you make something, you are melding your energy with the energy of the things you are working with. The two become entwined and entangled. Whether you keep and use the item yourself or give it as a gift or sell it to someone, that energy goes with it. This is important to remember when you accept a gift or buy something from someone. Their energy comes along with it. Think about this the next time you accept a gift or buy an item!

Over this past year, the transformations have been extreme, but it wasn’t until recently that I actually started to notice them.

I have been a collector of all things sparkly and shiny. Rocks, crystals, jewelry, all of the above. I would wear multiple rings and necklaces constantly. I believe in the power and connection of crystals and the powers and energies in the world. But, this past year I have come to wearing only my wedding ring and one necklace, an amulet that I haven’t taken off for most of the year.

I started to feel as though I was suffocating. I still feel this sometimes, but I noticed what I believe to be the reason why, that we don’t need anything other than ourselves to build the lives we wish to live. Our intention is all we need. I will go over this further in another post.

All this aside, I have noticed there is still a slight urge to want those sparkly things, even though I know that I may not feel comfortable wearing them at this time in my journey. One moment, a few months back, I saw a piece of jewelry I was drawn to, but instead of the desire to buy it, I had the strong urge to make it. Being as I had already been making jewelry for years, I already had the materials needed to make it myself and after attempt after attempt and a not as pretty completion, I had my version of what I saw, what I wanted, only it had been made with my own energy, my own intention. It meant more to me than any purchased item could have. Not only was it something that I connected with on an energetic level, it was something I learned how to make and worked at it until I was able to complete something I could be proud of. It was something I did, on my own.

Since then, my desire to buy creations made by others has greatly dwindled and I have made a few of my own pieces with this renewed vision and intention. I can feel the connection, it is something I have never experienced until now, and it is powerful.

I recommend this to anyone and everyone seeking an eye and energy opening experience. Find something you want to create, it can be something as simple as a spiral charm or something as complex as a piece of furniture. It can even be inspired by someone else’s creation. Get an idea of how to create it and then just do it. Know that it won’t necessarily be pretty the first time. Expect it to be messy. But once you know how to go about it, you can do it again and again until it comes out how you want it. Learn something, make that thing, complete it, and be proud that you did. Then check in with yourself and see how you feel.

Your energy and your confidence will thank you.

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