Manatee Symbolism

The Manatee has shown up a lot for me today. I started the day seeing two posts by FL Fish & Wildlife about rescued manatees and then another post by a friend on social media who had a lovely encounter with a manatee on one of her trips. Whether the message was for myself or is meant for someone else, I became aware that it was time to share some animal Symbolism, something I have been wanting to do for some time now.

Manatees are extremely peaceful creatures. They are aquatic mammals, often called “Sea-Cows”, and are typically semi-social in nature. Manatees are herbivores and will spend most of their day in search of food and snacking on aquatic plants. They are related to elephants and average about 10 feet in length and 1,200 pounds in weight, and though they are large in size, they are graceful swimmers and creatures of tranquility. There are three manatee species worldwide. The West Indian, West African, and Amazonian, with a few subspecies such as the Florida Manatee, and their conservation status ranges from threatened to endangered.

Manatees are often threatened by boats near and around their feeding area and habitat. Because manatees remain in shallow waters where their main food source grows, they don’t often have a lot of room to move out of the way when a boat approaches. Because of this, some areas have patrol boats that help spot manatees in the area as well as “Slow Speed” zones to help reduce accidental injury of feeding manatees. They are also threatened by litter and pollution of their natural habitats. Oils spills, plastics, and other trash are all dangerous to remaining manatee populations.

Helping manatees can be done through litter pick up efforts, water cleanup, by being cautious and aware when using a boat in known manatee habitats, and by education and outreach. There may also be local wildlife organizations that offer the opportunity to help manatees directly through their education programs or rescue efforts.

On a metaphysical and symbolical level, manatees are aquatic animals associated with the element of water and emotional calmness. They are known to represent gentleness and tranquility and are often connected to relaxation and mediation, as well as psychic awareness. If the manatee has made its way to you, it might be good to set some time aside for meditation and relaxation. Surround yourself in the calmness and gentleness of water over your skin, the sounds of water or waves, and take things slow for the moment. Be mindful and at peace.

If you want to watch manatees live, you can visit or and watch one of their many manatee cams!

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Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

Universal Messages & Divine Timing

I love when messages make their way to you when needed.

Our trees have been suffering from Emerald Ash Borer Beetles and last year we had to remove 3 of 5 because they beetles had done too much damage. My husband and I have been putting off getting Emerald Ash Borer tree injections, not knowing if they would help. It has been almost a year since we had an estimate done, so long ago that I couldn’t even remember the name of the people who came to look at them last year. Timing is a magical thing. Last weekend, maybe a day after I mentioned I needed to call some people, the company we had out last year sent an email with our previous estimate checking to see if we still needed work done. So, we had them come out today and look. Our first appointment in the morning was delayed due to a “technical error” or by human mistake, not sure which. So, they showed up this afternoon. We go out there, we are talking about whether it is worth doing, if it is worth trying to save our remaining two trees. As if to answer our question, a sharp-shinned hawk flies from a neighbors tree low into the yard and up into our tree. It hangs out there for a about a minute while we talk and then goes on its way. Just long enough to let me know this meeting was important.

This is not the first time I have been in contemplation and a bird out of the ordinary shows up as if to answer my question. It has actually happened more times than I can count and this time not only confirmed that we should try to save our trees but also reminds me of the first time this happened, or at least the first time I could remember.

I was sitting outside, wondering what it is I was supposed to do with my life. I was at a point where I was contemplating my life’s work with animals. I was conflicted about whether I was supposed to continue my work with animals on a deeper level or not. In that moment, a juvenile red-tailed hawk lands on the telephone pole in our neighbors yard. I think, oh ok, that is interesting. I go in and grab my camera and while taking a few pictures, a juvenile sharp-shinned hawk flies right by this red-tail. I couldn’t help but laugh. It was like the universe was saying, “Well, you haven’t been listening so here are TWO messages in one.” Did I go on to follow that path with animals? Yes and no, at least not to the extent to which I was called to.

In the beginning of my contemplation on this path, true contemplation, I had a dream where a sharp-shinned hawk (turns out this species of bird is significant to me and I hadn’t realized it until today) was tangled in some sort of line and was hanging upside-down over a porch. I pulled it down, untangled it, and in my hands it turned into a Fairy. It said very clearly, “You gave up on the animals you once wanted to save.” Then it flew off.

I continue to be called to this animal path and was reminded today that I am good at what I do with animals and in this life I want to live a life with passion, love in my heart, and with purpose. I am reminded often that there is more I am meant to be doing.

So, this post started with me just wanting to share a bit about messages and divine timing, and ended up turning into a self-chat about life and purpose. Turns out I ended up writing this more for myself than anyone else. Funny how that happens.

I guess we will see where this goes and if my pages and posts evolve into something other than what they were, that is just me finally answering the call I have been putting on hold for far too long.

Any of this sound familiar? Life is too short for a tired soul and it is what one does with the gift of life that determines who they are (One quote by me, one by a piece of my childhood. Both are very good advice.) It is far past time to start living the life you are meant to.

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

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