YouTube & What’s to Come!

I am SO excited to share that I have started creating music to go along with some of my images, intuitive messages, and writing!

Using AI Technology, I am able to create something magical that fits my vision, many of which will be meditation, calming, relaxing, and pure serenity.

If you are interested, please visit my YouTube Channel and take a listen to my first song and let me know what you think! If you like what you hear, subscribe to the channel so you can be notified when new songs and videos are posted!

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

The Light Will Return

Everyone has dark days.
But, each new day is a chance for light to shine through the darkness.
Know, that the light will return.

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

Feel Free to save and share!

Healing Services – Free or Not Free?

Why Do I Offer My Intuitive/Healing Services for Free?

There is a lot of debate on whether to charge for a healing service. To some, a free service may mean that the service is a scam or poor in quality. Though, someone charging for a service can also offer poor quality or may try to scam others. There is the belief in equivalent exchange of energy, meaning when a service is given, there should be an exchange of payment of some sort.

I absolutely believe in paying for and charging for a service. Some people live solely off of their healing practice and in order to survive in the physical world we live in, it is important that they receive monetary exchange to buy food, pay for their home, etc.

Healing and intuitive services also cost healers in their own energy. Providing a service like reiki, psychic readings, etc. use up the energy of the healer. It is a cost that they pay every time they provide the service. So, to receive payment or an exchange of energy from the receiver helps the healer be able to continue providing these services.

So why do I offer my services for free?

The simplest answer is that I have been called to.

Throughout this past year, while I have gone through my own soul journey, part of my personal healing consisted of ongoing conversations with myself and my guides. During this time, I was directed by my guides and higher self to start providing healing again for others. This was something that needed to happen in order for healing of myself to occur. While trying to figure out how I was going to do this again, my guides told me that this service was to be offered free of charge and free of expectations. Yes, I accept tips and donations when the receiver wishes to offer them, but the purpose of offering these services for free was because for me, this is not meant to be a business, it is meant to be a gift. Upon embracing the title of Healer, it was important on my own personal journey to offer my skills and services to all who need them no matter the ability to pay for them.

I absolutely believe that offering a service for an energy exchange, monetary or otherwise, is a valid and often needed exchange. Know that just because someone offers a service at a charge does not mean that it is any better than one that is free. Offering them for free does not mean that the quality of my service is lesser quality than someone who charges for theirs. It also does not mean I am scamming people in any way. It means only that while on my own personal journey of healing, I am sharing my journey and gifts with any and all who need them and though tips and donations are gladly accepted as I also need to survive in this physical world, I require nothing in return.

Energy is a valuable and precious resource that should be protected. Because your energy is accessed when sending or receiving a healing service, when seeking healing, be mindful of who you let provide that service for you. Don’t judge the service based on whether someone charges a fee or not. Instead, look into the healer. Check their page and see what sorts of posts they make. Read their comments and see what kind of person they appear to be. Read the reviews of previous people who have received a service from them. Find someone you feel comfortable with.

Charging a fee or not never determines whether the person is genuine, legitimate, or a professional. However, if you do accept healing from someone who offers their services for free, if you are happy with the service, do consider tipping or donating to them, because it will help them survive in this world we live in.

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

Universal Messages & Divine Timing

I love when messages make their way to you when needed.

Our trees have been suffering from Emerald Ash Borer Beetles and last year we had to remove 3 of 5 because they beetles had done too much damage. My husband and I have been putting off getting Emerald Ash Borer tree injections, not knowing if they would help. It has been almost a year since we had an estimate done, so long ago that I couldn’t even remember the name of the people who came to look at them last year. Timing is a magical thing. Last weekend, maybe a day after I mentioned I needed to call some people, the company we had out last year sent an email with our previous estimate checking to see if we still needed work done. So, we had them come out today and look. Our first appointment in the morning was delayed due to a “technical error” or by human mistake, not sure which. So, they showed up this afternoon. We go out there, we are talking about whether it is worth doing, if it is worth trying to save our remaining two trees. As if to answer our question, a sharp-shinned hawk flies from a neighbors tree low into the yard and up into our tree. It hangs out there for a about a minute while we talk and then goes on its way. Just long enough to let me know this meeting was important.

This is not the first time I have been in contemplation and a bird out of the ordinary shows up as if to answer my question. It has actually happened more times than I can count and this time not only confirmed that we should try to save our trees but also reminds me of the first time this happened, or at least the first time I could remember.

I was sitting outside, wondering what it is I was supposed to do with my life. I was at a point where I was contemplating my life’s work with animals. I was conflicted about whether I was supposed to continue my work with animals on a deeper level or not. In that moment, a juvenile red-tailed hawk lands on the telephone pole in our neighbors yard. I think, oh ok, that is interesting. I go in and grab my camera and while taking a few pictures, a juvenile sharp-shinned hawk flies right by this red-tail. I couldn’t help but laugh. It was like the universe was saying, “Well, you haven’t been listening so here are TWO messages in one.” Did I go on to follow that path with animals? Yes and no, at least not to the extent to which I was called to.

In the beginning of my contemplation on this path, true contemplation, I had a dream where a sharp-shinned hawk (turns out this species of bird is significant to me and I hadn’t realized it until today) was tangled in some sort of line and was hanging upside-down over a porch. I pulled it down, untangled it, and in my hands it turned into a Fairy. It said very clearly, “You gave up on the animals you once wanted to save.” Then it flew off.

I continue to be called to this animal path and was reminded today that I am good at what I do with animals and in this life I want to live a life with passion, love in my heart, and with purpose. I am reminded often that there is more I am meant to be doing.

So, this post started with me just wanting to share a bit about messages and divine timing, and ended up turning into a self-chat about life and purpose. Turns out I ended up writing this more for myself than anyone else. Funny how that happens.

I guess we will see where this goes and if my pages and posts evolve into something other than what they were, that is just me finally answering the call I have been putting on hold for far too long.

Any of this sound familiar? Life is too short for a tired soul and it is what one does with the gift of life that determines who they are (One quote by me, one by a piece of my childhood. Both are very good advice.) It is far past time to start living the life you are meant to.

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

DRAGON Intuitive Image Reading Services

Happy Thursday to You All!

I had an overwhelming message from the Dragons today and I am SO excited to announce that I am now offering DRAGON specific Intuitive Image Readings!

These readings are the same as my general Intuitive Image Readings but instead of asking all of the universe and guides available to provide the message for the person I am reading for, I ask the Dragons specifically to provide the message. These may come from your personal Dragons or from the Dragon Collective.

These messages are then created into beautiful images with the help of AI-Technology. These are always FREE, tips accepted!

If you are interested in requesting a reading, you can do so on any of my social media pages or directly on my website where you can also read reviews from previous readings as well as leave a tip!

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

Intuitive Image Reading Services

A very Good Morning and Blessings to you all!

I am excited to announce that I am once again offering my Intuitive Image Readings!

Each image created is inspired by channeled Intuitive messages and made with the help of AI technology.

Much like a tarot or psychic reading, messages are channeled from higher dimensional beings, guides, and from other energies and then with the help of AI technology, I create an image based on the messages received.

All you have to do is reach out by comment, message, email, or contact form and let me know you’d like a reading. These are all offered as a general overall reading without specific focus unless otherwise requested. Then I will share the image/s with you by your preferred contact method. These images are best to be interpreted by the receiver, though if anything specific comes up while channeling, I will share that with you.

You can request a reading on social media or through my website at at
You can also read reviews from past readings on my website as well!

I love doing these readings and I believe in healing and guidance for all, which is why they are offered for FREE, though tips and donations are always accepted and greatly appreciated. You can leave a tip on my website at!

To leave a review or to find my other links, visit

I look forward to where this journey will lead!

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

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