Transcendence – New Song Available!

A new song has been uploaded to YouTube!


Listen to the full song below!

Image and music generated with AI Technology by Serr.Kai Image Prints, Intuitive Healing Services, & More at


Floating through the cosmic sea
Weightless and free
Transcending boundaries
Beyond what we see
Lost in a realm of dreams
Where time has no hold
Embracing the unknown
A story yet untold

Drifting through the stars
Our spirits collide
In this ethereal journey
We’re bound to reside
Breaking through dimensions
Where limits cease to be
Transcendence unfolding
Our souls set free

We’re reaching for the sky
Unveiling the secrets that lie deep inside
Soaring beyond boundaries
Where dreams become real

Moonlight shining
Stars aligning
Spirits moving
Souls entwining
Floating through the cosmic sea
Weightless and free
Transcending boundaries
Beyond what we see

We’re reaching for the sky
Unveiling the secrets that lie deep inside
Soaring beyond boundaries
Where dreams become real
Where dreams become real

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

Lesson of the Day – 4/10/2024

Photographs Hold Energy

Photographs hold the energy and very essence of the person or thing being photographed. They contain life itself. They hold the energy of intention, the energy of the thing being photographed, and energy can also be applied to or from the thing or person being photographed through the photo itself. If you can see an item or person in an image, any kind of energy, can be sent to that thing or person just by focusing on the thing or person in the photo. Healing thoughts, prayers, and energy are often sent this way. Because positive intentions are not the only energy that can be sent this way, it is important to be mindful of what images you share with social media, on the internet, and with other people.

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

Happy Eclipse Day!

Hello All! Today is the big day, a solar eclipse that some of the world will get to enjoy in its totality!

Eclipses are extremely magical and powerful events, if you are going to observe it, use protective glasses and keep your pets protected as well. Keep in mind that some animals may act odd, confused, or anxious during this time. Help keep them calm, keep them indoors, and schedule that daily walk for earlier or later in the day!

On a magical or spiritual level, if you can, spend some time in meditation or silence while basking in the light and darkness of the eclipse. Just be in the moment and experience. If you have goals you want to put into fruition, release those out into the universe.

Overall, have a wonderful, beautiful, and magical day!

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

Happy Monday! Updates & An Apology

Hello Readers, Happy Monday!

This is a special week as it is the countdown to my 34th birthday on Saturday! About this time last year my world was turned upside down. I think I can say that these last few years have been the hardest, last year taking the medal. I’ve worked tirelessly to overcome these challenges and to return to my “self”. It has been an exhausting year and even though I am still working on this healing journey, a lot of things have been put into perspective for me. The main one being, what is most important in life. I have already made a sort of welcome back post mentioning some of this, but as I make some major life changes, I hope that sharing the journey helps others as well as myself. This week will be full of shifts as I approach my Birthday. There will be lots of “House/Soul Cleaning”.

How about some updates!

Messages of Today.

I am sure you have seen my newest emails going out titled Message of Today. I have decided to send out a new message post/email each day with an inspirational message or quote. These are bring joy to me and I hope they bring joy to you. I will work hard to make this a daily thing!

Email Subscriptions

I have changed some settings and you should now be able to subscribe to the topics you want when you subscribe by email. That way, you only receive email updates about the topics you want to see. I have made some changes and will be including lots of different topics here and I know that not everyone will be interested in all of them. I hope this helps and I hope this is working properly!

Rudraksha Adventure

I am committing to a Rudraksha Self-Study and I will be sharing updates with you!

I am a believer of all things metaphysical, spiritual, magical. I utilize the power of crystals, the law of attraction, and more on a daily basis. I have for a long time wanted to share the properties of minerals, herbs, and what not but haven’t made any steps towards that journey, until now. Like I do with my animal posts, I will be starting to make some posts about the metaphysical, spiritual, and magical world we live in and will be including benefits, studies, experiences, and more. I will be starting with a personal Rudraksha Bead Study and I will be sharing it as I go.

This study will be a minimum of 30 days where I will wear/keep with me a Rudraksha Bead nonstop for 30 days. I will write down the start, the progress, and the experiences and I will share them in periodic posts. I will be making a post this week about what Rudraksha Beads are and some of the claimed benefits from wearing them. I am hoping by day 30, I can express my own experiences and I hope they align with what I have read.

Stay tuned for more!

Now… about the ads….

I turned on the ad feature last week for my site. I have to say that I have ALWAYS hated seeing ads on sites. Go to look up a recipe and BAM, ads are everywhere. Trying to scroll down to see the ingredients, WOOPS, you clicked on an ad. In a lot of these cases, I won’t even stay on that page, I will find another site with another recipe. This is the same for SO MANY sites. Well… in order to help support my family, I thought, ok… I give in. I will set up ads and only allow them in a couple of places, not going to overwhelm my site. The first time I saw them pop up and I felt sick to my stomach. Physically sick. The first ads I got to see were for tinnitus, weight loss, and some sort of bacteria. It was so hard for me to see my post, that I had poured my heart into, ruined by ads showing body parts and bacteria right in the middle of my post. I can only imagine what any readers who saw it felt. So, I turned them off. I just couldn’t do it.

This site is my place to bring peace and tranquility. Sure, with a little chaos from some of my fiction work. BUT still…. seeing these ads pop up when you are in the middle of an emotional read or even a story….. it really ruins the experience and the message of the post itself. At the same time…. I need to support my family. So, there has to be another way… right??

Instead of ads… I have a support page where you can donate if you choose or also where you can become a subscriber and have access to subscriber only content. I think what I will do, is share my stories in progress, my longer stories, and more under subscribers only. It is like buying a book from an author, only here you get access to all of my work both past and future, as long as you are subscribed. It will be a small monthly fee and it supports the work I do. I will also be self-publishing my work again on Amazon Kindle as well as Kindle Vella. You can support me there by buying my book in physical or Kindle form or by following my in progress stories on Kindle Vella by paying per chapter. Lastly… there is YouTube. I have started making videos and the more views and subscribers I get there, eventually that can help monetarily as well. This one costs nothing. Just open my channel and follow. You can even share my videos with those you think would enjoy them.

I am sorry to those who popped in and were presented with these horrendous images while visiting my site and I hope it didn’t deter you from visiting again.. Moving forward, I will always stay ad free… if you can help me make that worth it, I thank you to the moon and back.

Thank you all for being here and I welcome you to a new week with exciting things to come!


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