When The Muse Strikes & Presenting The First Snippet of My New Book in Progress

When was the last time you just sat down to write? For me, it has been years.

I have been doing a lot of things recently, like some poetry and inspired message writing, which I am definitely proud of. But, I have been yearning to write again, really write, for years with no creative juices. That is, until yesterday. I suppose my conversation with the universe during the eclipse was really taken to heart. It seems the Muses were listening, or the Gods, who ever it was, they have my thanks.

I sat down yesterday with a story idea I have had for a while but without the right inspiration, it has been sitting on the shelf, collecting dust, somewhere in my brain. But this time, when I sat down, the words just flowed and it felt SO good for a story to be flowing. If you are a creative that has experienced a block of creativity, you know the feeling I am referring to.

Mistake on my part was that I wrote it down in Discord and never pressed ENTER. When I woke up this morning to put some more story down, I quickly realized there was no story and my discouragement set in. As I worked hard to remember how the story started, I about threw in the towel thinking I could never rewrite it as good as the first time.

Then, the thought came over me. If you truly believe that, quit, OR you could rewrite it. Maybe it won’t be as good, but if you don’t write it at all, you failed before you really even started. Remember, this story could change someone’s life. It could be yours or your next reader. Either way, it is worth it to give it a try.

So, I wanted to share a snippet from the first page of my new book in progress as well as the three characters who inspired it! Though I use AI often for images and inspiration, I have yet to decide if any of those images will be included in the book. However, I will be sharing them here as the journey continues and so you can follow along in a visual way!

If you are looking for a sign to start writing or creating or to start that thing you want to do. Here it is. Just do it. Tell fear and doubt to keep their thoughts to themselves, and just do it.

What are you waiting for?

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

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