Listen to Songs on SoundCloud, Spotify, Etc.!

Hello All!! I am super excited to share that I have created a SoundCloud profile where I will be sharing all of the music I have created (with the help of AI, I want to be transparent). Many songs have lyrics written by me, some do not. Many will also be instrumental, great for working out, meditation, and more!

Each song will also be available on most music streaming platforms such as Spotify, Amazon Music, and others once they are approved! I will share my Spotify link once it is ready!

You can visit my new profile at where you can listen! You can also follow my profile where you can see all the songs added as they become ready for listening!

Each listen (on any platform) and each use of my songs (added to your own reels and videos) is monetized and helps keep the roof over our heads and treats in the dog bowl! I appreciate every listen and all of your support!

There is only one song added at the moment but many more will be listed this week! I am excited to share this journey with you!

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

Fly Me Down to Middle Earth Instrumental – New Song Available!

I had the most incredible spiritual meditation today guided by Kevin over at!

Inspired by this journey, I created a new song called Fly Me Down to Middle Earth.

If you are interested in meeting your Dragon guides or learning more about Dragons, check out his website and all of the wonderful information he has shared!

Fly Me Down to Middle Earth – Instrumental

Listen to the full song below!

Image and music generated with AI Technology by Serr.Kai Image Prints, Intuitive Healing Services, & More at

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

Transcendence – New Song Available!

A new song has been uploaded to YouTube!


Listen to the full song below!

Image and music generated with AI Technology by Serr.Kai Image Prints, Intuitive Healing Services, & More at


Floating through the cosmic sea
Weightless and free
Transcending boundaries
Beyond what we see
Lost in a realm of dreams
Where time has no hold
Embracing the unknown
A story yet untold

Drifting through the stars
Our spirits collide
In this ethereal journey
We’re bound to reside
Breaking through dimensions
Where limits cease to be
Transcendence unfolding
Our souls set free

We’re reaching for the sky
Unveiling the secrets that lie deep inside
Soaring beyond boundaries
Where dreams become real

Moonlight shining
Stars aligning
Spirits moving
Souls entwining
Floating through the cosmic sea
Weightless and free
Transcending boundaries
Beyond what we see

We’re reaching for the sky
Unveiling the secrets that lie deep inside
Soaring beyond boundaries
Where dreams become real
Where dreams become real

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

Manatee Symbolism

The Manatee has shown up a lot for me today. I started the day seeing two posts by FL Fish & Wildlife about rescued manatees and then another post by a friend on social media who had a lovely encounter with a manatee on one of her trips. Whether the message was for myself or is meant for someone else, I became aware that it was time to share some animal Symbolism, something I have been wanting to do for some time now.

Manatees are extremely peaceful creatures. They are aquatic mammals, often called “Sea-Cows”, and are typically semi-social in nature. Manatees are herbivores and will spend most of their day in search of food and snacking on aquatic plants. They are related to elephants and average about 10 feet in length and 1,200 pounds in weight, and though they are large in size, they are graceful swimmers and creatures of tranquility. There are three manatee species worldwide. The West Indian, West African, and Amazonian, with a few subspecies such as the Florida Manatee, and their conservation status ranges from threatened to endangered.

Manatees are often threatened by boats near and around their feeding area and habitat. Because manatees remain in shallow waters where their main food source grows, they don’t often have a lot of room to move out of the way when a boat approaches. Because of this, some areas have patrol boats that help spot manatees in the area as well as “Slow Speed” zones to help reduce accidental injury of feeding manatees. They are also threatened by litter and pollution of their natural habitats. Oils spills, plastics, and other trash are all dangerous to remaining manatee populations.

Helping manatees can be done through litter pick up efforts, water cleanup, by being cautious and aware when using a boat in known manatee habitats, and by education and outreach. There may also be local wildlife organizations that offer the opportunity to help manatees directly through their education programs or rescue efforts.

On a metaphysical and symbolical level, manatees are aquatic animals associated with the element of water and emotional calmness. They are known to represent gentleness and tranquility and are often connected to relaxation and mediation, as well as psychic awareness. If the manatee has made its way to you, it might be good to set some time aside for meditation and relaxation. Surround yourself in the calmness and gentleness of water over your skin, the sounds of water or waves, and take things slow for the moment. Be mindful and at peace.

If you want to watch manatees live, you can visit or and watch one of their many manatee cams!

Image made with AI Technology • Fee Free to Save & Share!

Serr.Kai • A Quill & Ink

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